Our new fotonovela, Talking about Scams, tells the story of Eva and her husband, Pablo, who learn how talking about a scam can help someone avoid falling for a scam.

As the story illustrates, if you think you spotted a scam, it’s a good idea to tell somebody. Even if you’re not sure it is a scam, talking to someone—a friend, a neighbor, a loved one—could help them avoid it. Sometimes, hearing yourself describe the scam to someone else could help you avoid falling for it, too.

Then, report it to the Federal Trade Commission. Your story could help the FTC stop the scammers.

Order free copies of the fotonovela in Spanish and share it in your community. Encourage the people you know to talk about scams—and report them to the FTC. You can download the fotonovela in English and see our other fotonovelas at consumer.ftc.gov/fotonovela.

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