Retirement is a big transition in a servicemembers’ life. It will affect you, your family and your finances. Military Consumer and @StopFraudCo will host a Twitter chat to talk about what retirement means for military families on September 14, 2017 at 1 p.m. M.T. / 3 p.m. E.T. We’ll talk about retirement options and features, how to prepare for the transition, and tips for avoiding scams. Join in at #MilChat.

Here are the questions we’ll address:

  • Q1 What are some of the retirement savings options provided by the Military?
  • Q2 What changes are being made to the military pension in 2017?
  • Q3 What are some of the main features of a Thrift Savings Plan?
  • Q4 When should military members start thinking about saving for retirement?
  • Q5 How might you calculate an approximate amount of savings needed for retirement?
  • Q6 How can military members and families get started on saving?
  • Q7 What are some options individuals have to build additional retirement savings?
  • Q8 What should Military Spouses consider when saving and planning for retirement?
  • Q9 What scams should military members be aware of when they are saving for retirement?
  • Q10 What are some resources to assist military members with saving for retirement?