a couple and their daughter

Maria and Rafael are thrilled that their daughter just graduated college and they’re ready to celebrate with friends and family. Abuela even made her famous tamales for the special occasion! At the party, Maria and Rafael beam with pride.

Soon after the festivities wind down, reality sets in and Rafael starts worrying. They have to start paying back the money they owe for their daughter’s college education, but he’s been out of work for months. What’s he going to do?

Maria thinks she might have the solution: a company she heard about on the radio promises it can lower the couple’s student loan payments and help them get rid of their credit card debt. But it could be a scam. Read our newest fotonovela, Maria and Rafael Learn the Signs of a Debt Relief Scam, to see how the story plays out. Sorry, no spoilers here!

Read this fotonovela — and the others in the series — online at consumer.ftc.gov/fotonovela. You also can order free copies in Spanish at bulkorder.ftc.gov.

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